Welcome To The World of Atomic Honey!
Just Press Play!

We're VERY pleased to announce that our latest EP, Just Press Play was released on 3/21/13, and we're happy with how everything came out. The EP has 5 new tracks on it plus one bonus track some of you will remember from last year. All these songs are fast & intense rockers-no acoustic guitars on this one at all. Just Press Play is available almost everywhere on the net ( iTunes , Amazon , and CDBaby just to name a few (click the underlined words to take you to the album on that site)
Also, of course we are so super stoked by the album cover, done by the lovely @ravenval (aka our lovely gatekeeper). If you click on the fabulous picture you can see a larger version of this as well as many other of Raven's fantabulous creations on her deviantART page.
We want to thank you all for amazing love and support and hope you will enjoy much of the material on this energetic EP.
Also, of course we are so super stoked by the album cover, done by the lovely @ravenval (aka our lovely gatekeeper). If you click on the fabulous picture you can see a larger version of this as well as many other of Raven's fantabulous creations on her deviantART page.
We want to thank you all for amazing love and support and hope you will enjoy much of the material on this energetic EP.
Operation: Moondust Has Arrived!

We're super excited that our much awaited LP "Operation: Moondust" has been released to the public-and so is @ravenval the lovely keeper of our garden gate who provided us with this awesome pic after receiving her copy of the LP. It is only available as a physical CD-there will be no downloads for this album, and only available on CDBaby until probably the last week of November. After that it will be available almost everywhere you can name-both online AND local retailers. Click on this link http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/atomichoney2 if you'd like to sample tracks from the album. You can purchase there of course as well, if you like, but we understand you wanting to wait until it's available on your favorite site.
Here's a link to a review of the LP by the illustrious @popa2unes http://popatunes.blogspot.com/2012/11/atomic-honey-operation-moondust.html I must say it is one of the most awesome reviews I've ever read from anyone, and we so appreciate the amazing love and support we've received from so many. We look forward to hearing from you soon. oxox
Here's a link to a review of the LP by the illustrious @popa2unes http://popatunes.blogspot.com/2012/11/atomic-honey-operation-moondust.html I must say it is one of the most awesome reviews I've ever read from anyone, and we so appreciate the amazing love and support we've received from so many. We look forward to hearing from you soon. oxox
Our New EP "GO!" Now Available For Digital Download~Yay!![]() Our most recent single "Glitter Bombs & Gas Cans" has been doing well with radio airplay thanks to the awesome support of the Atomic Nation (we love you!) It's also track 2 on our newly released digital EP available on iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon, (click orange text to purchase) and most other music sites you can think of-just go to your favorite music site and search us. Thank you again for the love and support! #AtomicLove oxox
RIP Andrew Wood