Of all the lovely forest dwellers entered, and unbeknownst to her, she was selected for this honor.
Eddie The Peacock has come over to read the Royal Decree and bestow The Royal Crown upon her feathered head. Raven tries to put up a fuss and act as if it's not such a big deal as she steps aboard The Royal Coach (don't be fooled! She's loving every second of it) Raven's Royal Decree for the day, is that all music played throughout the forest shall be Led Zeppelin and The Yardbirds.
After the small ceremony, it's time for the Queen's Parade through the forest to The Royal Pub for dinner and music. The Royal Coach is pulled by the elusive forest dragons Justin and Douglas. The forest faeries have lined her path with faerie dust which leaves a rainbow trail as the coach rolls over it. There is a marching band made up of forest dwellers led by Andrew who's in full regalia as they play Led Zeppelin songs along the parade route. All the forest inhabitants are lined up, waving and adoring her as she passes by. Raven gives royal wing waves and nods to her loyal subjects.
As she arrives at The Royal Pub, music is wafting thru the air and she is escorted to the head of the royal table and clears her throat and says "As Queen for the day, I decree we PAAARTTAY"
Everyone eats, drinks and bee's merry for the evening!
The Garden Is Happy