Another Veterans' Day has come and passed, and we remain thankful for those who serve and allow us to live the lives we live without fear.
This year was a very special Veterans' Day for me, however, as through the efforts of several people, we were able to release a very special album unlike any we've ever done. The music is ours, but the words are those of a Veteran: Duke Sherman who wrote a fabulous book of poetry called "A Soldier's Thoughts" and was kind enough to send me a copy. We were inspired, and the rest is history in the making! If you'd like to know just how this project came about, I encourage you to read Amused Now's blog on it and watch the interview they were kind enough to do with me & Duke (link to the video is on the same page) http://amusednow.com/blog/soldiers-melodies/
The album, as you might have guessed is called "A Soldier's Melodies." Even if you don't end up purchasing this album, we highly encourage you to listen to the samples and read the blog page so that you'll have a better understanding of why we do the things we do. As I intimated from the last paragraph, all lyrics for these songs were taken directly from Duke's poems. I found myself changed after working on this project, as through Duke's words I was able to really empathize with our combat Veterans in a way I couldn't before. We hope that we translated this empathy properly into the music, and that it will serve to make the day of many a person brighter. We'd be even more honored if you'd stop by Duke's site which is here: http://www.duketheman1.com/default.html (If you go there now, you'll see a most beautiful review of the album along with a touching letter-front and center!)
The album will be sold exclusively on Amused Now, and as I understand it, will remain available until the end of the month (November). We're grateful to have had the chance to do something special like this and hope that at least a few of you will be inspired by it. If you're interested in even more details, then I'd suggest you follow the following people on Twitter:
As always, we thank you for your amazing love and support. Please never forget to be grateful for the life you have, no matter how challenging your life may be. Many of us have been there, many of us understand. We're all in this together!